Sunday, May 1, 2011

Training To Be A Life Coach - You Have To Sell In Order To Coach

One thing a lot of people miss when they're training to be a life coach is that you have to SELL in order to COACH. Recently I was working with a coach training client who is just getting her own coaching practice off the ground and it sparked some thoughts on life coach training.

My client was asking, "I have a meeting with *a guy* today and I think he'd be an ideal coaching client... but how do I bring up coaching without being 'sales-ey'?"

Now this is a GREAT question!... that most coached miss. If more coaches new how to do this, there would be a whole lot more coaching going on!

Here are three great ideas on how to turn a casual networking meeting into a potential coaching sales meeting.

Idea One - "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" - Yeah, I just said that:) But here's the thing; one of the things that I do when I'm meeting with someone casually is I ask them who their ideal client is or who they would ideally like to be connecting with. I let them know that I'd like to tell them about my ideal client and then they can think about their network and whether I should be connecting with anyone they know. Before I share, I have them go first. They might let you know who they want to connect with and/or you may ask them a couple of questions to help them sort that out. (Aka: A little impromptu coaching session) Then I think about connecting them with my network (and I do try to connect the person - with no promises) with someone that would be mutually beneficial.

Then I say, "let me define one of my ideal coaching clients" and I proceed by defining them and even offer a few short stories of how I've worked with people. Many times my avatar will look a lot like the person I'm meeting with. Now I don't manipulate this, it just happens... OR I totally out myself that I have thought about them being an ideal candidate but I didn't think they really knew or understood what I did.

I've had a number of times where the person will say, "How do I find out more about that?" Or... "Geeesch, that sounds like me. Maybe I should get some coaching." And that lends itself to the possibility of setting up a Complimentary Call.

Idea Two - "I think you're my Avatar, can I ask you a few questions?" Here's another straight up way to do it. At an appropriate time in the conversation, you can let the person know that they are similar to the people that you work with / your ideal client. You can let them know what a few of those attributes are (successful, achieving a ton, but maybe feel like they want to be doing something more/different) and then ask them if you can ask them a few questions. Then ask them some of the questions that you'd ask a market research group:

• What are some of the things that might make you think about investing in something like coaching?

• What would get in the way of someone investing in coaching?

• What would they want to achieve if you worked with a coach?

Whether they want to invest in coaching or not, this will prove to provide AWESOME input for you as you continue to develop your blog and marketing, etc. But it may just wind up moving them into wanting your services... Something fierce!! Now, check your heart on this. Be transparent. Let them know that you'd love to sell them on the benefits of coaching, etc. But it's rare that you get to ask someone like him some straight up questions before they approach you about coaching.

Heck, in exchange for the input, you can even offer a complimentary session to say thank you! Maybe you can help him get unstuck in a certain area as a thank you and as a precursor for moving forward.

Idea Three - BE you; DO what you do; and LET THEM KNOW that you coach people on this stuff all day long! When I was a salesperson at the bike shop as a kid - I was 13, Marty (the owner) was the BEST sales person EVER! When I was first getting started selling, my first inclination was to go out and say hello to a customer and then ask the question every retail sales person since the dawn of time has asked, "Can I help you?" Which always got a "No thanks." Then I'd turn around to move back to the repair area. But Marty just turned me right back around and said, "Stay close. They'll need you." So I did. I mess around with the cash register. I'd wipe off the counter.

Later, I'd actually just start talking with them about the t-shirt they were wearing or the bag they were looking at. I wouldn't officially sell them, I'd just talk with them. Then I'd start asking them about the type of riding they were thinking about doing or the types of rides they'd be on lately. Then our conversation would gradually move into a new bike or a new bag or something. It was just me, being me. Staying in close and doing my thing. As a coach, one of the ways you can "stay close" is through a casual networking meeting like this from time to time. It's also through blogging and monthly emails, etc., but these three ideas can help you make sure you are ready to SELL when it's time!

1 komentar:

Unknown said...

You are absolutely right. Way to go! What fun…I am really tempted to leave my stressful shuttling-everyday job and just sit at home. I need to earn some money, so I think I might become a freelancer. Talking about freelancing, I came across some amazing e-marketplaces on the web planet - Freelance Work From Home, Professional logo design, Creative logo design , and so on. Now, I think it is time to make a change. Thank you for making me realize what I have to do.

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