Friday, July 1, 2011

A Few Do's and Don'ts of Web Page Design

If you get your web page design wrong, say goodbye to any chances of your website becoming a success. So, it's doubly important that you get it right and not make elementary mistakes when it comes to page design.

So here are a few 'do's and don'ts' that you will need to keep in mind.

Don't: Use a background that makes the text hard to read

It's logical and not hard to get right. If you use the kind of background that make it difficult to read the content, your website will not be able to attract visitors. If visitors can't read what your website wants to say, your website is as good as not being there. So, use the kind of background that enhances the text and not clouds it.

Do: Use text that is readable

If your text is readable, it means your text will be read. What this means is that the visitor shouldn't have to make any sort of effort in reading text. Its size must be appropriate and care should also be taken that the background does not confuse, but enlighten.

Don't: Use meaningless graphics

Stay away from graphics that don't make any sense at all. The graphics should be in conformity with the purpose of the website. If you use irrelevant graphics, you will just confuse the visitor. More importantly, it will have an effect on your website's credibility. Such graphics don't make an impression, but have an opposite effect.

Do: Use Graphics that Enhance website Message

You have designed a website for a particular purpose. So, you will need to ensure that the various graphic elements that you use for the web page design have something to say about the website and its purpose. Use images intelligently to ensure that the message of your website is enhanced. This creates a lasting impression in the minds of the website visitors.

Don't: Use Unclear Navigation

When it comes to website navigation, you must stay away from navigation that is complex and difficult to understand. The use of unnecessary scroll bars and pages that cannot be identified just complicates things for the users.

Do: Use Simple and Clear Navigation

Your navigation buttons must be such that they are easy to use and tell the visitor where to go and which page to click on. More importantly, you should be able to maintain a certain consistency when it comes to the navigation of your website. Keep your website navigation as simple as you can.

These are just a few of the web page design do's and don'ts that one needs to keep in mind for ensuring that the website design is effective and can successfully attract website visitors.

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