Monday, July 25, 2011

How to Add PayPal Functionality to a WordPress Website

If you are selling goods or services from your site, your website is never complete if you have no way of receiving payment from clients. In this article, I will explain how to set up PayPal on a WordPress website. This will enable your customers to pay you using PayPal or credit cards (PayPal also processes credit card payments).

Linking Your Order/Buy Now Image

In order to integrate PayPal functionality, you need to link you "Order" or "Buy Now" image to you PayPal account. To do this, you need to have a premier PayPal account at the very least. Your account also needs to be verified. Verification in most cases means that you have added a bank account and credit card to your account.

The first thing you need to do is to create a "Thank You" page because PayPal requires this information.

How to add a Thank You Page

Create a WordPress page and name it "Thank You". This is the page where clients are redirected by PayPal after making a purchase. It could also be the page where they get to download the product (assuming it is a digital product). Enter the some text of your choice, thanking the customer. You may also provide a download link as well as anything else you wish to communicate. View your "Thank You" page in the browser and confirm everything is set up correctly. Take note of the permalink of the "Thank You" page. You can write it down somewhere or open Notepad and paste the link in a new file. Next, log into your PayPal account and navigate to the "Merchant Services" section. Select the "buy now" button and you will taken to a screen where you can create a payment button. Fill in your product information; you will note that "Step 2" and "Step 3" are optional. Click on "step 3" to reveal the fields and where it says "Take customers to this URL when they finish checkout" enter your "Thank You" page permalink. Populate the other fields as well, then, click on "Create Button" at the bottom. Your button will be created and what you now have is the "code" which you need to paste in your WordPress website.

Click on "Select code" to highlight the code. Copy the code and then go back to your "Index" page in the WordPress dashboard. If you are using the standard WordPress editor select the "HTML" tab and if using the FCK Editor, click on the "Source" button. Now, if you have never seen HTML code before, this is what it looks like. Do not panic, just follow these simple instructions. Locate the last word of your content just at the point before the location you want to insert the code. Once you do this, copy the entire code from PayPal. Exit "Source/HTML" mode and go back to the visual editor. The button should now be displayed when you view your site in the browser. You can center the button, right align or left align using the visual editor. It all depends on your preferences.

Clicking on the "Buy Now" button should take you to your payment page; it is recommended that you create a number of "Buy Now/Order" links within your website, all aligned to the right. To do so, go back to the PayPal page with your code and click on the "email tab". Copy the URL that you see and then go to your index page in the WordPress editor and add this text "Click Here to Download Now >>>" in strategic places in your website/sales page where it will have maximum impact. Highlight this text and "link it" using the URL that you copied above. Repeat this process for every instance where you have placed this text. Once you are done, all your "Buy Now/Order" text will be linked to the payments page.

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